Even though today is Monday which usually signifies the dreaded beginning of another week of school it actually hasn't been too bad. I only have one class today that is 3 hrs long, but got out an hour early, which of course I prayed for- as I usually do for all my classes :) but today something just struck me about my professor. She has MS and is wheelchair bound. Sometimes if she needs to get through the tables she will just put her little motorized wheelchair into drive and ram the tables and chairs until they have moved to a giant heap on the side. At first I didn't know what to think of this, but every time she just looks up and smiles; like it's no big deal. I guess I'm amazed because even though she has this debilitating disease she still acts like herself. You know what I mean? Like even though there is something tough in her life, she takes it one day at a time, and doesn't let that alter her personality/who she is. I don't know if that is making sense, all I know is that I think my Monday professor is pretty cool. (plus she tells us stories of her "wild" days, which I always love those!) Anyway today is a good day! Now I just have to go to work and then afterwards go for a nice long walk with a good friend, what could be better...
I had her before she was stuck using a wheelchair. She was cool then too.
having had to diagnose some people with chronic disease, it has made me stop and wonder what it would be like to have a disease that you have to live with day in and out that has no cure and you just have to tough it out everyday---and like you said, Fawn, would it alter how I am, act, think, speak? Dunno. Interesting
I liked reading about your instructor, it made me smile. I love seeing when people overcome adversity and really ENJOY life. She probably enjoys life more than some people who don't have big obsticles in their lives.
by the way I'm not saying anything about posting a comment because you told me to.
thanks for the post. i like looking into little things that people notice. windows into the souls of others as you so noticed of your teacher. it is encouraging that i should aspire to do the same when i certainly have less surmounting obstacles as she.
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