So work today pretty much sucked! I have other words to use for it but will spare you. It was hard because I am with the 3 and 4 yr olds and some of them aren't potty trained that well, which is fine, just hard when there are multiple accidents at the same time. Plus one of my co-workers really pissed me off and I almost said something but held my tongue. Anyway, so I was in a crappy mood when I got home and then I started thinking about last night and how beautiful the sunset was and it's moments like that that I realize God is here with me, and all I had to do was pray for peace and recieve it, and all I had to do was pray for joy and recieve it, and then repent and recieve it His forgiveness/grace. That is why I love nature, in this case a sunset, because it reminds me of the beauty of God and that he is still here.
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