so today i went to sierra's...again. just wanted to get some green garland to hang on our front porch railing, is that too much to ask!? anyway, i was at sierra's and i just got checked out and was trying to get through the door, because that's what you do, you enter and exit through a door, you don't stare at it and you don't stand in front of it; is this not common knowledge? so i asked this 6'8" lady (kind of scary)to please move (i actually said "excuse me" in my sweet as an angle voice, yeah she didn't move, said it again, she maybe moved three inches, not enough for this holiday belly to squeeze through. then her husband and kid with a boot (broken foot i'm guessing) was blocking the other half of the door!! seriously do people get paid to trap customers in?!? i took a deep breath and pushed my way through. ok, so this is why i avoid shopping at all costs during the holidays. what a scrooge i am. so this year i may be doing my shopping on-line. ebay here i come.
Even with the abundance of shopping opportunities here, I will admit that I did a lot of my shopping on-line. No shame in that.
i agree. it's amazing how un-christmasy people are at stores at this time of year. internet shopping is a good thing.
I always thought people should be somewhat happy while Christmas shopping but I think they get upset cause someone else took the last item they wanted or they spend too much money, etc. I also try to remember what it is like working retail during this time when workers are rude.
I like online shopping and I like your christmas lights hung up! looks great
by great I mean. The red lights lining the doorway makes me feel like I'm walking through the gates of hell.
sara!!! actually i really laughed at that.
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