Friday, December 22, 2006

too much poop

the other day one of the kids at work, who is 6, informed me that he was moving to California. When I asked him why he said "because the dog made a mess." So I asked him what kind of mess and he said "because he pooped to much in the yard and we have to find a new yard." I laughed pretty hard. Did he make this up on his own, or did he hear part of a conversation and then created his own version?? I don't know. Kids are so funny!


Steph said...

What will happen since there are 2 dogs here? Do I have to move soon?

Sara said...

ha. thats funny. is the dog moving with them?

emily said...

that's hilarious. i bet in his kid logic that's something he heard and put together, or, his parents told him that and didn't tell him the real reason!