Tuesday, January 30, 2007

whose got it, not me

apparently i missed the common sense speech from, i don't know, school, church, my mom, someone... i guess there are just things in this life that are common sense, or something like it, and you just know these things. whelp i missed that speech and am now suffering the consequences. let me explain. i guess it's common knowledge to eat yogurt when taking medication to avoid a very irritating and personal problem, it's common sense to not take a bath in Epson salt and then put icy hell, i mean icy hot on. well last night it would have come in handy to know not to sleep with a heating pad. no i did not leave it on, but it would have been better than what happened!! i was totally out until i rolled over and felt like i was being choked. when panic finally left me i realized that i had some how gotten the cord wrapped around my neck and had moved just right so my body laid on one part and when i move, pulled the cord tight. cool. i almost choked myself. is there a book out there, if not i'm writing one. oh wait, it's just me who lacks common sense.


Bobbinoggin said...


you crack me up fawn.

and just to make you feel better, i know a LOT of people who have slept with electric-chord-heating-pads. and i also know that i rarely take yogurt while taking antibiotics. maybe had i done so during my acne phase, i would have continued using the prescription without complications.

being a woman. isn't it just TONS of fun?

Sara said...

ya dude, i've heard horrible stories such as your heating pad one that end up much worse than that... DON'T EVER SLEEP WITH THE HEATING PAD AGAIN!
Glad you finally know about the yogurt... I was told about that one when I was, oh, maybe 5th or 6th grade.

Adriane said...

fawndaloo...let me just say that the other day we were talking at work and my co-workers started talking about how there really wasn't such a thing as common sense anymore...so welcome to the human race with no common sense:)

Steph said...

At least I would have come to help you had I known about the heating pad choking you while you just laughed at me almost getting smothered by a canopy. Not a nice roomy.

Fawn said...

you know i love you steph...:)

emily said...

i didn't know a few of those things. don't feel bad. i didn't know about choking with heating pads, altho now that you say it, it makes sense :) I've slept on heating pads for earaches lots of times and have never choked.