Today at work I laughed. There is the cutest kid and as he was leaving he yelled "BYE MR. FAWN!" and blew me a kiss. I thought it was the funniest thing, then I stopped and thought a minute "do I look like a man??" No, he is three years old!!!! I am called a variety of names at work, such as Mrs. Fawn, Miss Fawnie, Miss Bon, Miss Swan, teacher, Miss ? (sometimes they forget my name) Anyway it was cute and I needed a good laugh. :)
people couldn't come up with these names unless they were really creative. right Miss Swan?
VERY cute.
Mr. Fawn is not posting lately. this makes me sad:(
where are you?
Mr. Fawn, we're nearing 1 month since you last posted. where you be?? one of these days, you need to help me set up a myspace:)
mr fawn better write soon or the whole world will become sad! well, we are all already sad about it.
why don't you share about the frogs.....?
or getting sunburned...
or your bro's wedding...
or the huge leech...
you have such an exciting life to post about!
just popping in to say ahoj!
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