Monday, December 25, 2006

christmas at the cabin

This year Christmas was at the cabin. We went up Sat morning and came back this afternoon. There wasn't a ton of snow, but we were able to get some good sledding hours in :) I LOVE SLEDDING!!! It was so much fun. We also played a few card games including BS. No one makes me laugh as hard as my brothers do. We were laughing so hard that my brother was crying and snorted, which made me laugh/cry even harder, then there was silence because none of us could breathe. It was a really good time. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

(Ok, so I know there is NO skin showing in my pic, but i just wanted to stay warm and maybe rob a bank later :) )


Sara said...

that is a beautiful picture of autumn!!!!

Steph said...

It looks like fun. I love sledding