Wednesday, February 14, 2007

wierd dream

so last night i had this dream. it was summer, i was wearing flip-flops and the bottom of my left foot was hurting, so i looked at it. there in the middle on the ball of my foot was a little wart. nothing gross like james' huge nasty wart, just a little one. so i thought to myself that i should make an appointment to burn it off. well i put it off...and off...and eventually forgot about it. unitl it started hurting again a while later. this time when i looked at the bottom of my foot the once small wart had turned into a gaint 6th toe!!! what the!?!?! so now i had this huge, man-like, giant toe coming out of the wart. sick. so i showed my mom who rushed me to the doctor. on the way there i started crying and asked if i would need surgery. she said not to cry and that they wouldn't do surgery and all i would have to do is start eating right and loosing weight (yeah she was refering to the gastro-something-bypass to loose weight!) cool not only do i have this huge nasty mutation on my foot, i now need major surgery to loose some weight. what a crappy dream...i think it's because, well i actually do have a tiny wart on the bottom of my big toe that i need to get taken care of, and i really do need to start watching what i eat.

happy valentine's day


emily said...

fawn you're so funny

Steph said...

You better get that foot looked at soon. :)

Sara said...

you'll become like someone else we know who used to have a large mass on his toe

Bobbinoggin said...

what a not fun dream. :(

you can get little cans of liquid nitro stuff for freezing off small warts and the like. it's over the counter, but you can ask the pharmacist about it. my dad has a can at home that he's used a few times. he recommended it to me. so i'm recommending it to you if you don't want to go to the doctor, and if it is fairly small.

as far as the eating thing... try not to stress too much. you're beautiful just the way you are!!!