why is it that being comfortable seems to go hand-in-hand with being complacent or settling (I know not always, but lately it seems to be working that way). So I've had three job interviews. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it takes EVERYTHING in me to go to an interview. I heard back from one, which was a "we went with a different candidate." That's fine. I didn't like the atmosphere when I walked in or the principal. I had another interview two weeks ago, where i student taught. I had not heard back from them a yes or a no, so I took it upon myself to call; fifteen minutes ago. I did not get it. I find myself crying for something that I didn't want in the first place. The school was Greenacres and before I was done student teaching I remember say that I did not think it was were I was supposed to be. That since of "home" was not there. And now that I'm not working there i am crying over something I didn't want/wasn't supposed to have, in the first place. After the interview I wanted to work there because it was "comfortable." I know the people that work there and I have been there for four months. I'm hoping this blog makes since because i find my self saying that i would have taken a job (if they would have said yes) because I was comfortable. i think being comfortable would have equaled settling because i knew before i graduated that that is not where i am suppose to be. I find God saying that he knows where i will fit best. that my prayer of saying that i don't just want a "job" i want to be where i will fit best, that he IS answering that. does that make sense, does any of this blog??! i hope you, whoever reads this, understands what i am saying. DON'T SETTLE BECAUSE YOU ARE COMFORTABLE!
i'll be praying for you as you look for God's will for you fawn, keep going!!! love you!!!
good thoughts...
you should change the name of your blog. you shouldn't be studying any more.
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