Monday, April 27, 2009

lesson #231

we are doing our current theme on "farming." i thought it would be fun to read a "big book" (an oversized book that is rather large and fun for the kids to look at). this particular book is called "who will be my mother?" i thought it was a shorter version of "are you my mother?" no. it was not. it is about a little lamb who is looking for a new mom. the first and second line reads: "mother lamb DIED." "Lamb had NO mother." what a way to start a book! the kids had this sort of confused/horrified/sad look on their faces!!! what was i reading!? so we had to go into a discussion of death, which isn't a horrible topic, but not one i was ready to teach about. if i would have pre-read this book i would have been prepared!! my assistant said "whoa! that's a rough book." crap. lesson learned- next time pre-read and be ready for any possible questions that may arise from lines such as "mother lamb DIED." sorry kids, my bad ;)


Adriane said...

oh fawn...i hear ya! sometimes when i was doing group sessions i'd use a story as a way to reiterate my point and there were a few times i'd read something then have to try and cover it up quickly! funny story!:)

Sara said...

yah, proof reading good.

Sara said...

Fawn! BLOG!